Optional Bibliography

For your studying of the language, here is a list of some recommended books, (of course, it is not compulsory to buy them all, especially when some of them are certainly in the school library) :

A great publication, if you want to dig more into the English language:

Avoid the Traps, Les pièges courant en anglais et comment les éviter !, Ellipses, Janvier 2018

What are the main false friends in English and in French? What are the differences between American English and British English? How to correctly formulate a question in English? What are the differences between the preterit and the present perfect? These are the types of questions this book will answer to. This book will help you to smooth and explain the common difficulties, confusions and traps that a French-speaking person is faced to in the process of learning English.  It will help you to erase, or reduce the number of mistakes you are accustomed to make. 

Bilingual Dictionary, Robert & Collins (English/French-French/English):

Unilingual Dictionary, Collins for the final exam (Spécialité Anglais Monde Contemporain):

Easy Grammar, Robert & Collins:

Maitriser la grammaire anglaise, lycée et université, ed. Hatier:

Vocabulaire anglais, ed. Bordas:

Pronunciation Dictionary, Longman, JC Wells, ed. Longman (Upper intermediate/Advanced learners):

If you want to read books in English, you have a great collection on Harrap's Yes You Can books selection website : 

1 commentaire:

  1. Perhaps, you should add "Can't Hurt Me" by David Goggins , beautiful writing and meaningful words. It's a great book to learn english and words that you do not learn in school but are used on an everyday basis.


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